All part of this jaguh Motorcycle has been customised,chopped and modified into something different from the original Jaguh itself.It took more than a year to make this jaguh become a chopper like this,and to this date,couple of modification also have been made to modified this machine into a customised machine.

ey man, nice bike... but don't the rider kena mud from the rear wheel when it rains?
Anyway, I want a seat like that. Pls tell me where to get it.. add me on msn or send an email to me at
That is a very veyr ver nice bike man. Briliantly made. It's amazing how you transformed a small bike to your current evil empire.
Nice bike man.
Is it for sale?
Kindly call 016-3322678 or if it is.
nice bike =D
isn't that bintulu's plate number?
Wow.. Damn nice man, bro, aku ane kan membali chopper bah.. atau if possible custom made lah, if you have any idea or advice and i certainly think u have,heh heh heh.. pls e-mail me ASAP k..
Hex elPablo! why your sound like someone that got a bone on his ass? hehe anyway man nice bike u got there. kinda skinny if you were a fatso..
Hi,your bike is awsome...Just wondering are u interested in attending our Auto-City Carnival tentatively on 4th to 6th June. It is an Auto Showcase. We will be having Classic Bike Beauty Contest and Scooter Beauty Contest. Besides we will also be having GT Care Look Alike Contest, Modified Compact Car Contest, Beetle & Mini Car Contest.Hope you are interested...Kindly call 017-5231688 for more detail.
Hi All
Im Selling off my bike Yamaha Dragstar converted to Harley Davidson Fatboy. If you got any let me know...i can be contacted at 0194570154.
Location Penang or Kedah
Congratulations! This is the best thing, Thank you so much for taking the time to share this exciting information.
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